8″ s 8″ painting by Raven
Kroma paint on paper
Art in Alaska. Story of an Alaskan artist.
by Raven
by Raven
8″ x 8″ painting by Raven
a pointedly pigmented raven ready to rile
by Raven
I wrestle with bears, dream of cranes and paint things that surprise me. Motion holding still.
Making art allows me to see things differently.
Paintings are windows into wild.
See your world in a new way.
Celebrate Alaska’s wild that is in each of us.
Find your wild.
by Raven
by Raven
A Sanctuary of Calm
24″ x 24″
Kroma paint on stretched canvas by Raven
commissioned painting
He had an idea for a surprise gift for his wife. Their favorite spot. It was a collaboration of his photos and description of their home away from home that provided the inspiration.
Do you have an idea for a painting? Let me know.
Let’s talk about it.
We will discuss different options.
When we agree on a direction, the adventure begins.
Step 1. We discuss what you have in mind. I need to know as much as I can about the image you hold in your imagination.
Step 2. We decide on a schedule, size and price that is agreeable to both of us.
Step 3. I cook on your ideas in the studio and get back to you with my plan to make sure it is on the right track.
Step 4. The painting begins.
Step 5. You and I review it together. By email if that is the most convenient for you.
Step 6. Painting is finalized and you can choose to receive it with access to a video that shows the painting process. Voila!
contact me with questions or comments
Alaskan Raven Studio
PO Box 80231
Fairbanks, Alaska 99708
Represented by:
Well Street Art Co.
1302 Well Street
Fairbanks, Alaska
907 452-6169
Stephan Fine Arts
939 West 5th Ave.
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
(907) 274-5009
I ventured to Alaska before there was an oil pipeline and fell in love with the gnarly spruce trees, intense weather and mountains I could touch. Very different from the landscape in St. Louis. I was looking for different. The spruce trees: those scraggy, wizened, lanky conifers danced onto the first page of my sketch […]