A cozy path lit with brightly colored petals invite you to come visit.
My Ravenista keeps this in her office. She told me it encourages her.
8″ x 10″ sold
Art in Alaska. Story of an Alaskan artist.
by alaskanraven
A cozy path lit with brightly colored petals invite you to come visit.
My Ravenista keeps this in her office. She told me it encourages her.
8″ x 10″ sold
by alaskanraven
The mystery and power of horses captivates me.
My Ravenista formed a bond with her horse in a very short length of time.
They understand and trust each other.
The Bond
10″ x 8″ oil painting
by alaskanraven
Friendship is a journey.
“Riding Her Horse”
8″ x 10″ oil painting sold
by alaskanraven
I met my friend Joy on a journey north to the Arctic Ocean. Our paths crossed when she was driving south and I was riding north. She inspires me because of her accomplishments and courage. Things go wrong when you are a trucker on the ice road. You have to think fast and be creative with your solutions.
“Joy and Her Truck”
10″ x 8″ oil $500. sold
by alaskanraven
What can I say about my daughter? She is sunshine.
I love to paint portraits and plan to paint more.
9″ x 12″
collection of the artist
contact me with questions or comments
Alaskan Raven Studio
PO Box 80231
Fairbanks, Alaska 99708
Represented by:
Well Street Art Co.
1302 Well Street
Fairbanks, Alaska
907 452-6169
Stephan Fine Arts
939 West 5th Ave.
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
(907) 274-5009
I ventured to Alaska before there was an oil pipeline and fell in love with the gnarly spruce trees, intense weather and mountains I could touch. Very different from the landscape in St. Louis. I was looking for different. The spruce trees: those scraggy, wizened, lanky conifers danced onto the first page of my sketch […]