Denali Dawn
18″ x 24″ Kroma paint on canvas by Raven $1200.
commissioned painting
Corvid Chattering
“It’s gone! It’s gone!”
“What is it, Felix? What’s gone?”
“Sterling. My favorite painting. It’s gone!”
“What painting?”
“That painting of the big rock and the raven. I like to think it’s a picture of me. It illuminates my feathers a little. Just the edges, real nice.”
“It’s not all about you Felix. Do you know what the Big Rock is called?”
“Big Rock sounds like a good name to me. No. What?”
“Denali. The great one. It’s higher than even you can fly. You would pass out and freeze to death if you tried to fly over that one.”
“Oh. She should paint brighter light on me. Where did it go?”
“That painting belongs to one of her Ravenista’s now.”
“Raven—ista, what? What is that?”
“Ravenista’s are her collectors. They buy her paintings and put them on their walls. That’s what it’s all about, Felix. Sharing. The artist loves to share what she sees with others. It’s her connection.”
“Yes, connection. She shares her love of paint and color and life. Sharing is a connection. It’s more than a caw and boing.”