I was painting with oils on a small canvas in Florida. The colors of the bright pink flowers invaded the canvas and “Tropical Bruin” was born. Curious about Mango Bears?
Mango Bear: Tropical Bruin
10″ x 8″ sold
Art in Alaska. Story of an Alaskan artist.
by Raven
I was painting with oils on a small canvas in Florida. The colors of the bright pink flowers invaded the canvas and “Tropical Bruin” was born. Curious about Mango Bears?
Mango Bear: Tropical Bruin
10″ x 8″ sold
by Raven
MB Chuck serves as a guardian for his Ravenista. She assigned him this duty shortly after arrival. His wall is a brilliant yellow that makes his colors shine inside a bright blue frame.
Curious about Mango Bears?
10″ x 8″ sold
by Raven
Theo is a Mango Bear. What are Mango Bears? They emerge out of my canvas when I am feeling playful. Theo ran out the door as soon as his paint dried. His Ravenista told me her whole family enjoys his antics.
10″ x 8″ sold
by Raven
My Ravenista wanted this polar bear to hang in their living room so she could still see it from her kitchen. We had fun choosing the perfect location for her bear. Paintings change your home and your home changes the painting. It always looks different than it does in the studio or in the gallery. It surprises me every time.
Swim With A Bear
aka Bubbles $1200.
20″ x 20″
Would you like this bear to swim into your home?
PRINTS of all sizes are available at this link. Just click right here.
Open the door of your imagination
to explore a world of crystal clear crispness.
Soft, soft snow and crunchy footsteps on ice crystals
beckon you to come closer.
Dive into waters of dreams
and swim with a bear.
No fear here, just bubbles of adventure
and floating on icebergs.
Take the plunge.
by alaskanraven
Morning sun was faint but every drop of light
is cherished in the interior of Alaska.
Ravenistas chose this painting because they were moving and wanted to take a piece of the magical Alaskan winter with them to their new home.
“First Light”
10″ x 8″ oil painting $450. sold
contact me with questions or comments
Alaskan Raven Studio
PO Box 80231
Fairbanks, Alaska 99708
Represented by:
Well Street Art Co.
1302 Well Street
Fairbanks, Alaska
907 452-6169
Stephan Fine Arts
939 West 5th Ave.
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
(907) 274-5009
I ventured to Alaska before there was an oil pipeline and fell in love with the gnarly spruce trees, intense weather and mountains I could touch. Very different from the landscape in St. Louis. I was looking for different. The spruce trees: those scraggy, wizened, lanky conifers danced onto the first page of my sketch […]