I never get tired of watching a moose. It’s always exciting.
Even more memorable when there is a calf. Moose make the air electric.

Moose Electricity
24″ x 36″
Kroma acrylic on canvas by Raven
Art in Alaska. Story of an Alaskan artist.
contact me with questions or comments
Alaskan Raven Studio
PO Box 80231
Fairbanks, Alaska 99708
Represented by:
Well Street Art Co.
1302 Well Street
Fairbanks, Alaska
907 452-6169
Stephan Fine Arts
939 West 5th Ave.
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
(907) 274-5009
I ventured to Alaska before there was an oil pipeline and fell in love with the gnarly spruce trees, intense weather and mountains I could touch. Very different from the landscape in St. Louis. I was looking for different. The spruce trees: those scraggy, wizened, lanky conifers danced onto the first page of my sketch […]