Click for a more formal resume
You have a question?
Click here to contact raven.
Ready to change your home with a new painting?
When you change your home, you change your world.
The painting you want is already sold?
Commission me to do a painting. Two paintings are never the same. It’s impossible to duplicate them. But I can do one that is similar in theme if I know which one caught your attention and what you like about it. Or perhaps you have an idea for a painting that you would like me to paint?
OR tell me what kind of painting you are interested in purchasing,
and I’ll send you an email when I paint something that I think you might like.
Click here to contact raven.
sign up to be first to see what is new. I send out a free monthly email called Studio Notes.
Studio Notes click here to subscribe
Review prints that are available of sold paintings. Choose a size that works best for you. Let me know if you run into questions. A painting may be available as a print even if it’s not listed yet on my website.
Your purchase is guaranteed.
If you’re not happy, let me know right away within the first thirty days of purchase. I will give your money back when you return it to me. I only ask that you pay the return postage. I’ve never had anyone return a painting. But I stand by that guarantee.
Notecards of paintings are available
Many people stay in touch with email. It’s fast and easy. But receiving an envelope with a friend’s handwriting is much more impactful.
My bears, cranes, swans or ravens would be honored to greet your friend. A package of five notecards with envelopes is $18.50.
Notecards with paintings by Raven can be found at Stephan Fine Arts Gallery in Anchorage. Or you can drop me a note by clicking here. I’ll arrange for you to receive as many packages as you want.