They want a grizzly. A bear for the expanse of wall in the new section of the hospital. Color and joy for contemplation and encouragement of their patients.
I choose a 40” x 30” canvas and brush on pigment. Browns and reds and oranges for the bruin. Teals and yellows and greens for his forest. His home. He ambles toward you. Curious.
He is “Born to Be Wild”.
Does the title make you laugh and encourage you at the same time?
He lives in my living room on his ‘wall den’. I like him there. He encourages me. We both wait.
I received word yesterday. They want him and sent a check. I’m thrilled. It is an honor.
But art making is an emotional process. It has to be. I’m going to miss this bear. I prepare him for packing but we are both a little sad. Happy-sad.
I promise to go down to Soldotna, Alaska to visit him in his new home. If you are in that neck of the woods, stop by and say hello.